A vision for the future
As your TMLP Commissioner, Jon would work to support the following:
Keeping electric rates affordable for ratepayers while ensuring a continued reliable power supply
All efforts to build a 100% clean energy portfolio, through new TMLP renewable energy generation projects and power purchasing agreements with other clean energy projects throughout the region
Expanding the TMLP Online internet availability in Taunton, while not affecting electric rates
Making TMLP Commission meetings more accessible by changing the Commission’s public input policy, which discourages public input from TMLP ratepayers
A new pilot program to issue 0% interest loans to TMLP customers for home energy-saving improvements, to give homeowners and renters access to energy efficiency upgrades at a lower upfront cost, while helping the TMLP reduce its peak energy load
A revision to the existing optional TMLP Go Green 100% Program to give customers the option to choose any level of renewable energy credits (RECs) to support on their own budget, between 1% to 100% of their usage
Protecting prime agricultural soils, forested lands, and open spaces by prioritizing the use of previously developed land for TMLP solar installations wherever possible, and using dual-use agricultural solar installations to preserve agricultural uses and working farms on any future farmland solar installations
Creating a distributed and resilient network of renewable energy sources locally, while also expanding the use of new battery and other energy storage technologies
Assessing and continuously improving ADA accessibility measures around TMLP poles to improve sidewalk transit conditions
Working with the City of Taunton to reduce municipal energy consumption at all City-owned buildings. A 2019 analysis shows the City spends over $2 million per year on building energy bills, and those bills could be reduced by as much as 20% through energy efficiency upgrades
“TMLP is an essential service for our region, and they do a great job of delivering their customers reliable power, affordable utility rates, and high-quality service. If elected Commissioner, I would look forward to helping the staff and management of the Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant in finding the best path forward to both meet the challenges of maintaining and improving existing infrastructure, generating and purchasing more clean energy for TMLP’s power portfolio, continuing to provide excellent customer service, and introducing new value to the TMLP ratepayers through the City-wide rollout of the TMLP Online internet services.”
- Jonathan R. Gray